Search Results

Designer Books & More, From ‘Level-1’ to ‘Rise and Sprawl’

Designer Books & More, From ‘Level-1’ to ‘Rise and Sprawl’

A tribute to the evolution of subway system design, plus an argument for migrating from land to sea and the story of the ‘rise and sprawl’ of condo towers in Toronto.

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January 4, 2017

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books & More, From ‘The City of Tomorrow’ to ‘Lo and Behold’

Designer Books & More, From ‘The City of Tomorrow’ to ‘Lo and Behold’

A dictionary for architectural installations, plus Werner Herzog’s reflection on the human-machine relationship and a collection of essays on the technologies changing the future of cities.

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December 7, 2016

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books & More, From ‘Designing for the Common Good’ to ‘Clever’

Designer Books & More, From ‘Designing for the Common Good’ to ‘Clever’

Case studies that prove design’s ability to create societal change, plus profiles of notable creatives working past 80 and a podcast not just about good design, but about the people behind it.

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October 28, 2016

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books & More, From ‘Ice Station’ to ‘On the Grid’

Designer Books & More, From ‘Ice Station’ to ‘On the Grid’

Author Ruth Slavid looks at the design ingenuity of an Antarctic research station, plus a film that imagines a post-apocalyptic residential tower, and a podcast created by and for graphic designers.

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July 18, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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Designer Books: 30:30 Landscape Architecture

Designer Books: 30:30 Landscape Architecture

Thirty renowned landscape architects identify the next generation of practitioners who are charting new ground.

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May 24, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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Designer Books & More, From Infratecture to dutchDesign

Designer Books & More, From Infratecture to dutchDesign

Rotterdam city planner Marc Verheijen digs deep into infrastructure, plus Simon Fraser University’s dutchDesign films and a catalogue David Adjaye’s collaborations.

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April 14, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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Designer Books: Building Art

Designer Books: Building Art

Paul Goldberger explores the life and projects of Frank Gehry.

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April 14, 2016

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books: Thinking Small

Designer Books: Thinking Small

Architectural thinking can be applied to almost anything. Three recent designer books – Soviet Bus Stops, Nanotecture and Furnitecture – look at the ways designers have brought an architectural approach to structures that are as compact as the books themselves.

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April 12, 2016

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books: Archi-Graphic

Designer Books: Archi-Graphic

An exploration of how architecture trends and more can be visualized in various ways, Archi-Graphic beautifully expresses complex ideas.

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March 11, 2016

Section: Curiosity


Designer Books & More, From The Infinite Happiness to The High Line

Designer Books & More, From The Infinite Happiness to The High Line

A documentary that leads us through the living tour-de-force that is BIG’s 8 House, a book on design inventions that keep us connected, yet untethered from the office, and a field guide to the creation of the High Line.

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March 8, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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