Tag Results

What’s on Douglas Coupland’s mind

What’s on Douglas Coupland’s mind

Canadian superstar, author and artist Douglas Coupland spoke at the Conversations in Design symposium held last week in Toronto as part of the Interior Design Show. Here’s what he had to say about modern life.

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February 3, 2011

Section: Curiosity

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IDS Preview: Trade Talks

IDS Preview: Trade Talks

Tomorrow, the Azure-sponsored Trade Talks return to IDS with an all-star roster. Taking the stage this year is L.A. architect Thom Mayne, British industrial designer Michael Young and France’s Renaissance man, Jean-Marie Massaud.

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January 27, 2011

Section: Interiors

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Will Alsop’s Lessons for a Young Architect

Will Alsop’s Lessons for a Young Architect

Ever witty and controversial, the RMJM partner – and Ryerson University lecturer – delivers some pointers to architects who are just beginning their careers.

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January 11, 2010

Section: Architecture

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