Tag Results

Inside the Sound and Matter in Design Exhibition in Holon

Inside the Sound and Matter in Design Exhibition in Holon

The Sound and Matter in Design exhibition, in Holon, Israel, explores the potential for auditory elements to have a more prominent role in architecture.

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August 21, 2017

Section: Curiosity

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The Evidence Room Looks at the Role Architecture Played in the Holocaust

The Evidence Room Looks at the Role Architecture Played in the Holocaust

First presented at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2016, The Evidence Room is now being exhibited at the Royal Ontario Museum, in Toronto.

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June 25, 2017

Section: Architecture

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2016 AZ Awards Winner: Best Temporary Architecture

2016 AZ Awards Winner: Best Temporary Architecture

Winter 2016 saw downtown Montreal transformed into an urban playground, thanks to an interactive installation featuring glowing see-saws.

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August 30, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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5 Cardboard Designs Every Music Festival Needs

5 Cardboard Designs Every Music Festival Needs

Designers around the world have invented ways to supply virtually everything you’ll need to start your own outdoor festival – from tents to rest areas to the stages themselves – all using a cheap, recyclable material: cardboard.

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May 3, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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Red Bull’s Cultural Centre in São Paulo

Red Bull’s Cultural Centre in São Paulo

The French-Brazilian architecture studio Triptyque plays up a historic building’s raw character while adding playful elements – including a modern rooftop canopy – to create an artistic hub indoors and out.

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April 9, 2014

Section: Architecture
