
Toronto’s Next Generation: MSDS Studio

Toronto’s Next Generation: MSDS Studio

MSDS Studio brings a Scandinavian sensibility to its interiors and products. The firm is part of Azure’s chosen five: Toronto firms that are climbing to new heights, from nature-inspired inter­iors to 3-D‑printed architecture.

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June 8, 2015

Section: Design

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Designer Profile: Joran Briand

Designer Profile: Joran Briand

The French designer’s approach is shaped by a love of collaboration and a surfer’s connection to the ocean.

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February 20, 2015

Section: Design

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Jenny E. Sabin’s Responsive Architecture

Jenny E. Sabin’s Responsive Architecture

Collaborating with a team of scientists at two American universities, Jenny E. Sabin attempts to make buildings respond, visually and sustainably, to human presence.

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October 9, 2014

Section: Design
