
This Farm on a Bike Delivers Carbon-Free Greens

This Farm on a Bike Delivers Carbon-Free Greens

This People’s Industrial Design Office concept for a garden on wheels may inspire the takeout meals of the future.

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November 6, 2017

Section: Curiosity

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A Better Way to Design Refugee Shelters

A Better Way to Design Refugee Shelters

In the midst of a global refugee crisis, it is important to ask: what makes a house a home?

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June 20, 2017

Section: Curiosity

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A Prefab, 3‑D Printed, Car- and Solar-Powered Tiny House

A Prefab, 3‑D Printed, Car- and Solar-Powered Tiny House

How SOM and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory are driving green living to the next level.

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May 19, 2016

Section: Curiosity

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A Humane Home for Elephants at Zoo Zurich

A Humane Home for Elephants at Zoo Zurich

Designed by Markus Schietsch, this wildlife enclosure in the Swiss city reveals our changing attitudes toward animal well-being.

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November 4, 2015

Section: Architecture

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