
A Vancouver Home that Lets in the Light

A Vancouver Home that Lets in the Light

In this house on a busy street, Measured Architecture finds a way to insert expansive glazing without sacrificing privacy

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February 25, 2014

Section: Architecture


What Cities Can Learn from Copenhagen

What Cities Can Learn from Copenhagen

After a week’s tour of Denmark, Azure contributing editor Adele Weder returns with five design values that major urban centres around the world can learn from the country’s capital – beyond bike lanes.

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May 29, 2013

Section: Curiosity


GXN’s Rad Scientists

GXN’s Rad Scientists

The cutting-edge Copenhagen lab is exploring materials that will transform what it means to build sustainably.

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May 6, 2013

Section: Architecture

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Q&A: Michael Green

Q&A: Michael Green

Azure contributing editor Adele Weder spoke to Green at his North Vancouver office about the challenges of building skyscrapers out of timber.

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November 19, 2012

Section: Architecture

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