This Week: The Artist Project Toronto

Three States, glass work by Aaron Oussoren
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Nesting, a photograph by Emily Cooper
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Fence Study 3, glass work by Aaron Oussoren
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Aquatiles, ceramics by France Goneau
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Petite Maison Fire, by Elise Windsor, a winner in the Untapped competition
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Air Liquide Canada Inc., a print by Andrea Warnick
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Galv Line – Dofasco, a print by Andrea Warnick
Three States, glass work by Aaron Oussoren
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Kicking off tonight with an opening night party, and running through the weekend, this carefully juried exhibit is a must-see for art lovers and investors.

Now in its fourth year, The Artist Project is the place to be if you’re looking for art from Canadian creators in their prime, as well as the next generation of stars. The show’s 200 contemporary artists work in various media, from photography and video to sculpture and textiles. Among the highlights are Toronto glass artist Aaron Oussoren‘s evocative Fence Study series and Montreal sculptor France Goneau‘s barnacle-like ceramics.

Also on view are the 18 winners of the Untapped Emerging Artists Competition, including photographers Elise Windsor and Alice Zilberberg, who tap into surrealism in vividly unique ways; and printmaker Andrea Warnick, whose colour-saturated works illustrate the mechanical features of buildings.

The show offers face-time with all the talents, in 20-minute art walks. It also hosts Art chats, with art stylists Manny Neubacher and Anya Shor; Canadian Art publisher Melony Ward; artist duo Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins; writer Betty Ann Jordan; and Toronto Arts Council associate director William Huffman.

The Artist Project kicks off with a 19+ party tonight, and continues until Sunday, March 6 at the Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place, Toronto

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