Creating a biodiversity corridor in Saint-Laurent


Registration Deadline

Submission Deadline

Landscapes November 6, 2017 December 4, 2017

Please note that this competition has expired and is for reference only. See our active listings for competitions.

The borough of Saint-Laurent is launching a multidisciplinary landscape architecture competition to produce a master development plan for the Cavendish-Laurin-Liesse biodiversity corridor.

The purpose of the competition is to select a project that will provide the borough of Saint-Laurent with a master development plan for the Cavendish-Laurin-Liesse biodiversity corridor. This plan will set out the vision and orientation guidelines for the corridor’s development and enhancement over the long term, and it will propose targeted short-term interventions (i.e., between 2021 and 2023).

With an industrial park covering about 70 percent of its territory, the borough of Saint-Laurent has some of the largest heat islands in the Montréal region. Habitats favourable to biodiversity are fragmented by barriers such as Autoroutes 40 and 13, by large boulevards such as Cavendish, Henri-Bourrassa, and Thimens, and by residential, commercial, and industrial developments.

The borough therefore wishes to create corridors to connect these natural environments and other green spaces fragmented by development and also to provide pathways for citizens. The Cavendish-Laurin-Liesse biodiversity corridor at the focus of this competition was initially identified in 2015. The corridor is associated with the Bertrand Creek green belt.

The budget for carrying out the work targeted by this project is $4.5 million, including taxes.

Visit the Competition website for more information.